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Month: February 2023

Purchase Guide

How to Design a Box

Want to make the perfect wood box? It starts with design. Video after video on YouTube talks about how to make a wood box, and then the video shows how to make the specific box in the video. Rarely do you see a discussion on how someone can design their own woodworking box project. That’s what this video addresses.

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Purchase Guide

Spline Walnut Tray

I’m making a really beautiful walnut decorative tray with maple splines.  The tray has a subtle profile along the along the bottom to the feet. This is the style of woodworking project I really like making.  It has some character but isn’t over the top.  The maple splines are the perfect touch of contrast. If you are looking to dive into some fun woodworking projects then give this one a shot.

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Purchase Guide

Watch Display Case

A few years ago I made a watch display case. Since then I’ve received a lot of questions and requests for project plans.  So I made another one!  This project is made from walnut that I chainsaw milled.  It has brass splines and a glass lid.  There was a ton of work put into this woodworking project.  The wood box construction consists of wrap around grain.

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Purchase Guide

Tiny Gift Box

This simple wooden box looks really expensive and can be the perfect woodworking gift. It takes very little material, but makes the most of it with incredible contrasting woods that will impress anyone who is lucky enough to receive it.

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